father and son

Counseling Center Resources

Contact Information

  • Psychiatric Emergency Answering Service: (after hours, weekends, holidays, and school breaks) (732) 286-2441
  • Security: (732) 255-0451, call ext. 2200 on campus, or use the red phones located in campus buildings
  • Toms River Police Department: (732) 349-0150
  • Ocean County Psychiatric Emergency Screening Services: (732) 886-4474
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
mail icon

Contact Us

Office Hours By Appointment:
Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Phone: (732) 255-0400 ext. 2911
Email: counselingservices@xiaoneizhi.com
Location: Library Bldg #3 – Suite 010

FREE Online Self-Assessments

Take a free, confidential assessment for guidance on your current risks:

Counseling Center Programs

Have you ever had questions about a mental health topic but weren’t sure where to turn, or if the information you found online was reliable?

We have created a non-credit Canvas course, “Mental Health: what everyone needs to know”, where you will find information on common mental health concerns and topics as well as where to turn for information you can trust and resources available in our community. Enrollment is voluntary, completely free, and your participation will not be shared with anyone other than the course administrators (who are also the counselors on campus).

We hope you find this information helpful!

Join the Recovery Support Program on campus or online!

Students can self-enroll in The Campus Recovery Network for information, resources, virtual support, personal recovery coaches, online discussions, and more!

On campus, visit our Wellness and Recovery Center, located in CLC, Building #4, Room 113 during weekly drop-in hours, Tuesdays from 11am – 1pm. Find more meetings and activities updated weekly in The Campus Recovery Network!

Participants in the program will have access to:

  • Peer Support
  • A private, on-campus Wellness and Recovery Center
  • 12 Step and SMART Recovery Groups
  • Relapse Prevention Support
  • Certified Recovery Coaches
  • Counseling Services and Treatment Referrals with a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor
  • Social Activities with Hope Sheds Light
  • Holistic Wellness Activities
  • Educational Opportunities and Training
  • Academic Support

For more information, contact the Counseling Center at (732)255-0386 or recovery@xiaoneizhi.com.

This program is funded by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services and is open to all students in recovery from a substance use disorder or who are interested in living a sober lifestyle.

Need addiction help?

Call the Addictions Hotline of New Jersey: 1-844-276-2777

DHP of Ocean County is a NJ State grant program, designed to provide services to individuals who have lost their primary source of income due to separation, divorce, disability, or death of the primary family provider or wage earner. The emphasis of the DHP is to move to economic self-sufficiency.

For more information contact:

Carmen Mora at 732-255-0400 ext. 2297 or cmora@xiaoneizhi.com


Most of self-care techniques require nothing more than some consistency and slight effort. You can simply look at your daily habits, identify what works and what doesn’t, and adjust accordingly with yourself in mind.

8 Dimensions of Wellness

A comprehensive look at self-care considers the following areas of our lives:


Take a moment to think about each dimension above, and which area(s) might need your attention. This will be different for everyone, depending on your individual values and needs. Here are some examples:

A daily mindfulness practice Taking your lunch break out of the office
JournalingSaying “no” to plans or obligations that aren’t helpful to you
Gratitude listsTidying up your living or workspace
Spending time in nature each weekSticking to a consistent sleep schedule
Catching up with friends or familyEating more nutrient-dense foods
Physical exerciseDrinking more water
Trying something newReading
Creating (and sticking to) a budget

For additional tips and assistance with developing an individual self-care plan, contact 365球赛平台 Counseling Services.

Mental Health Services
Bright Harbor Healthcare
CREST (Community Resource for Emergency Support & Treatment)
Preferred Behavioral Health Group
Sexual Assault/Violence Services
St. Francis Counseling Service
609-494-8861/Hotline: 609-494-1090
Dream Free (Human Trafficking Services)
Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Victim-Witness Counselor
(732)929-2027 ext. 3244
 Substance Use Disorder Services
 Bright Harbor Healthcare
Preferred Behavioral Health Group
HOPE Sheds Light
732-244-0783 / Toll Free Helpline: 855.850.HOPE (4673)
Ocean County Health Department
Alcoholics Anonymous Northern New Jersey Intergroup
Meeting Finder: http://www.nnjaa.org/
Narcotics Anonymous NA in NJ Meeting Finder
Gamblers Anonymous Council on Compulsive Gambling NJ http://800gambler.org/find-a-help-meeting/ SMART Recovery
Suicide/Crisis Hotlines
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline1.800.273.TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
NJ Hopeline: 1.855.654.6735
 Veteran’s Services
Veterans Crisis Line: 800.273.8255 (press #1)Veterans Crisis Text Line: 838255
LGBTQ Services
LGBT Resources Trevor Helpline: 1-866-488-7386GLBT National Helpline: 1-888-843-4564
 Substance Use Disorder Resources
Addictions Hotline: 1-800-238-2333Substance Abuse Treatment Referral Hotline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Sexual Violence Services
Rape Crisis Hotline: 1-888-264-RAPE (7273)New Jersey Coalition against Sexual Assault: 1-800-601-7200
RAINN & National Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) 
Domestic Violence Services 
Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-572-SAFE (7233) 
Youth and Young Adults 
Youth Resource 2nd Floor Youth Helpline: 1-888-222-2228 
Community Resources and Referral 
CONTACT of Ocean & Monmouth: 732.240.6100609.693.5834Child Abuse/Neglect: 1-877-NJABUSE (652-2873)

UWill offers a virtual platform for students to access FREE counseling, from anywhere, any time.

Students can schedule their first teletherapy session quickly, using 365球赛平台 email. Uwill’s programs include the following:

  • Uwill: Individual Virtual Counseling
  • Uhelp: Crisis Counseling (24/7)
  • Umatch: Match with a therapist within 24 hours
  • Urise: Nutrition, Yoga, Mindfulness & Meditation Programs

Access this link for the Uwill website.

Here at Ocean County College, your well-being matters. That’s why we have launched a new mental health service called TalkCampus to support you. It’s a free-to-download app where you can talk with other students from around the world about the ups and downs of life. Simply download TalkCampus at http://www.talkcampus.io/sign-up and sign up for free with your student email address.

TalkCampus is an anonymous community and your safe space. It isn’t run by Ocean County College and we won’t be able to see if you are using it. The platform is based around peer support; you can use it if you need some help yourself or you can go on there and support others. It’s also a great place to meet students from around the world and build connections!

TalkCampus is designed to be somewhere you can just be yourself and talk about how you’re really feeling. Student life is full of challenges and we know it’s not always easy to talk to us directly about how you’re doing. TalkCampus isn’t a replacement for counseling or professional support but it’s a great place to start talking and be reminded that however you’re feeling right now, you’re not alone.

Parents / Guardians

Recognizing Warning Signs

Just as it is best to intervene early with physical health conditions, it is also best to recognize and treat mental health conditions in the early stages. As parents and caregivers, you may notice changes in your loved one’s behavior or presentation that you may be concerned about. While each specific mental health condition or diagnosis will have unique symptoms or warning signs, the following list from the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) provides an overview of common indicators of the possible development of mental health difficulties.

  • Excessive worrying or fear
  • Feeling excessively sad or low
  • Confused thinking or problems concentrating and learning
  • Extreme mood changes, including uncontrollable “highs” or feelings of euphoria
  • Prolonged or strong feelings of irritability or anger
  • Avoiding friends and social activities
  • Difficulties understanding or relating to other people
  • Changes in sleeping habits or feeling tired and low energy
  • Changes in eating habits such as increased hunger or lack of appetite
  • Difficulty perceiving reality (delusions or hallucinations, in which a person experiences and senses things that don’t exist in objective reality)
  • Inability to perceive changes in one’s own feelings, behavior or personality
  • Abuse of substances like alcohol or drugs
  • Multiple physical ailments without obvious causes (such as headaches, stomach aches, vague and ongoing “aches and pains”)
  • Thinking about suicide
  • Inability to carry out daily activities or handle daily problems and stress
  • An intense fear of weight gain or concern with appearance

If any of these signs are present, or if you have additional questions, call Counseling services at 732-255-0386 to speak to someone about your concerns.

*Note: this is NOT a crisis line. If you or your loved one is facing a psychiatric emergency, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room.

Talking to Your (Adult) Child

Many parents feel ill-equipped to facilitate conversations with their adult children about mental health issues. The reality is, there is no “perfect” way to have these conversations, but there are many really great ways to let your child know you care. Your job in these conversations is to listen without judgment, and offer as much information as you have. When you feel like you don’t know the answer, that’s OK – just use the resources provided on this page to guide yourself and your child to someone who can help.

Supporting Your Student

Hospitalization of a loved one and what follows after discharge from treatment is often a very difficult, overwhelming time. The first signs of mental health conditions frequently emerge during early adulthood, therefore the onset or intensification of symptoms is a common experience among college students resulting in suicidal ideation or immediate mental health care needs. Additionally, the amount of stress many college students are under due to academic, career, or other external pressures can also contribute to psychiatric distress requiring hospitalization. If your loved one is an Ocean County College student and has recently been hospitalized, please review the following for tips and recommendations to facilitate a safe recovery and return to school:

  • Ensure development of a comprehensive after-care plan with the hospital treatment team. This may include outpatient treatment programs, therapists, psychiatrists, and any other relevant community supports. Ideally this is completed prior to discharge from the hospital; however in the event this is not provided, call the hospital and ask for referrals based on their clinical recommendations. Depending on any authorization for release of protected health information, hospital staff may only be able to speak with the person receiving care. They may need to make this phone call themselves to receive this information.
  • Familiarize yourself with available resources, and encourage your loved one to connect in their community. These may include (but are not limited to): self-help meetingslocal non-profits that support basic needs, and crisis hotlines. Many of such resources are listed on our website, as well as ULifeline (search for 365球赛平台 under “Find Your School”).
  • Connect with 365球赛平台 Counseling Services. Ocean County College provides free, confidential mental health counseling to all 365球赛平台 and Kean-Ocean students. Licensed counselors are available to provide short-term counseling, crisis assessment and intervention, as well as referral services for ongoing treatment and linkage with additional supports. A strong protective factor against continued distress is a sense of connection or belonging in one’s community. Having a relationship or “safe place” on campus often provides students with reassurance needed to feel comfortable returning to school. 365球赛平台 Counseling Services is not otherwise informed if one of our students are hospitalized. Therefore, it is very important our students or their families advise of such circumstances in order to receive our support.
  • Engage in open, nonjudgmental conversation. Simply talking about mental health conditions, symptoms, concerns, and experiences reduces stigma and encourages your loved one to continue to be open about his or her challenges. Symptoms worsen in the darkness. Providing support and assurance that you are a safe person to talk to is immensely helpful.
  • Develop a safety plan. Talk with your loved one about any high risk situations and plan steps ahead of time to ensure safety. If your loved one has expressed suicidal thoughts and has talked about a plan (or has attempted suicide) remove any access to means of acting on this. Common ways of removing access to means include: securing all medications, removing/securing any firearms or other weapons in the home. Talk with your loved one about what is needed to increase safety in your individual circumstance, or enlist the help of a counselor to complete this task.
  • Be sure to take care of yourself, and that your loved one does the same. It is incredibly important during periods of high stress that you and your loved one are getting sufficient sleep, eating nutrient-dense foods, drinking water, exercising, avoiding drugs/alcohol, and taking medication as prescribed (if applicable).
  • Consider speaking with a counselor yourself. Caregiving can be very stressful, and you may find it helpful to have a place of your own to discuss any fears, thoughts, or questions you have along the way.

Recognizing Signs of Distress

Once you have identified concern for a student there are several things you could do to help. Many times, staff and faculty provide adequate support through listening and simple problem-solving; however, there are situations when it would best serve the student to encourage them to seek professional help. The following are tips for having the conversation about a referral to counseling services:

  • Speak to the student in a direct, concerned, straight-forward manner
  • Communicate clearly the reasons you are concerned and why you believe counseling would be helpful. Let the student know you are doing so because you care about them.
  • Explain the services provided by the counseling department. Direct the student to our webpage under Information and Resources for Students
  • Sometimes it is useful to help the student make the initial appointment. You can offer to call with the student, or in some cases it might be necessary to walk the student over to our office. In those cases, call our office at extension 2911 and we will be sure to have a counselor available when you arrive.
  • If you need help in deciding on whether or not it is appropriate to make a referral, contact us with any questions or to request a consultation.

If you need immediate assistance from a counselor due to a student in crisis or distress, call Counseling Services at ext. 2911 or security at ext. 2200.

Making a Referral

Once you have identified concern for a student there are several things you could do to help. Many times, staff and faculty provide adequate support through listening and simple problem-solving; however, there are situations when it would best serve the student to encourage them to seek professional help. The following are tips for having the conversation about a referral to counseling services:

  • Speak to the student in a direct, concerned, straight-forward manner
  • Communicate clearly the reasons you are concerned and why you believe counseling would be helpful. Let the student know you are doing so because you care about them.
  • Explain the services provided by the counseling department. Direct the student to our webpage under Information and Resources for Students
  • Sometimes it is useful to help the student make the initial appointment. You can offer to call with the student, or in some cases it might be necessary to walk the student over to our office. In those cases, call our office at extension 2911 and we will be sure to have a counselor available when you arrive.
  • If you need help in deciding on whether or not it is appropriate to make a referral, contact us with any questions or to request a consultation.

If you need immediate assistance from a counselor due to a student in crisis or distress, call Counseling Services at ext. 2911 or security at ext. 2200.

CARE Team Reporting

File a CARE Report

  • The purpose of the CARE Team is to facilitate communication, assessment, decision-making and action about potential and real risk situations, involving persons of concern, including students, faculty, staff and visitors.
  • The CARE Team is focused on the safety of the individual and the campus community through pro-active and early intervention activities.
  • Membership of the CARE Team is comprised of representatives from faculty, student affairs, academic affairs, human resources, college administration, and security.
  • Submitting a CARE Report can be done anonymously, but doing so limits the capabilities of the CARE Team in investigating the report and gathering additional information. When the reported concern is related to a mental health issue or student in distress, a counselor will take appropriate action.

Confidentiality Note: Due to confidentiality laws surrounding counseling, we may not be able to provide information related to the outcome of student outreach and involvement in counseling. Students have the ability to sign a Consent to Release Confidential Information form to permit such communication, but this is a voluntary action and is only requested when doing so would help to facilitate resolution of the student’s concern. While we greatly appreciate your referral and understand the concern for your students, we are legally required to maintain confidentiality and privacy when our services are provided.

Our Staff

Kate Pandolpho, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, GCDF
Director, Counseling Center
732 255 0400 x2941
ADMN Bldg.#1, Suite 120

Carmen Mora, MSW
Program Coordinator
Displaced Homemakers Program of Ocean County
732 255 0400 x2297
ADMN Bldg.#1, Suite 120

Darra Stack, MSW, LCSW
Student Intervention Specialist
732 255 0400 x2362
ADMN Bldg.#1, Suite 120

Katie Hueth, MA, LPC, LCADC, NCC
Assistant Director
732 255 0400 x2395
ADMN Bldg.#1, Suite 120

Kelly Petrolis, MS, LPC, NCC
Prevention Education Coordinator
732 255 0400 x2558
ADMN Bldg.#1, Suite 120

Stefanie Caton
Mental Health Technician
732 255 0400 x2911
ADMN Bldg.#1, Suite 120